7/20 - 7/23/2023

Section: Milepost 2002.1

Total Trail Miles: 891.0

Distance: 0 Miles  

Moving Time: 0 hrs

Elevation Gain: 0 ft

Click here shere for current location

So…we took a mid-summer’s break in Bend. We weren’t necessarily planning on it but it happened and it was very nice. My sister, Claire, is getting married in October and the break allowed for Amand to attend her bachelorette party and for me to get some golf in with my soon-to-be brother-in-law. 

On Friday, we woke up around 6. Still can’t sleep in even when we have a nice mattress to do so. John and Claire and John’s roommate, Sheldon, went off to work and Amanda and I stuck around to annoy Claire on her work-from-home routines. We mostly caught up on blogging and I worked on replanning the rest of Oregon and California. Around mid-Morning, Amanda and I borrowed Claire’s car to run into Bend. We went to the Mill District to visit the REI where Amanda tried to get new shoes and I picked up some miscellaneous things we needed. REI had been crushed by a mid-summer rush of PCT backpackers and there were barely any shoes to be had for Amanda. We left REI and headed downtown where we were able to go to a running store and Amanda got hooked up with some Topo’s - a running shoe much like the Altra Olympos but one half size larger to give her feet some room.

After shoe shopping, we stopped by one of our favorite restaurants in Bend - Active Culture - a great place for anyone in the area, I highly recommend it. After, we made a short stop at WINCO and Trader Joe’s to resupply before returning to Redmond. That night Claire made us Chicken and Waffles (my request). They were delicious and we relaxed into the evening before heading to bed.

Friday was pretty similar. Claire, Amanda and I went into Bend. I got my back sugared (that’s right, sugared) and the girls went shoe shopping for the bachelorette party. I also took the chance to wash our sleeping bags which were absolutely putrid and checked out SunRiver Brewing, across the street, while waiting on the laundry. We returned to Redmond around 4 pm and Amanda and Claire headed for Carlton, Oregon where this state has just a tiny bit of wine production. That night John and I had some leftovers for dinner before heading to bed.

The next morning we headed up to Prineville for 18 holes of golf on a beautiful Saturday. John beat me, but only by a few strokes. It was a great course and an awesome time. After, we went back into Bend for lunch in the Mill District and then checked in for a suite fitting on our way back to Redmond. That night, John made some steaks on the smoker and we watched My Octopus Teacher and They Cloned Tyron on Netflix - both excellent movies, would highly recommend.

The next morning we relaxed at the house and waited for the girls to come back. There was a massive concert happening in Redmond called the Farewell Festival and Sheldon had weekend tickets so was out most of the time. I worked on rerouting us back south through California while John worked on some house projects. The girls eventually came home and we went out for lunch at a food truck pavilion in the middle of Redmond before returning home for the afternoon. That night, John made some chicken on this smoker and we played cornhole into the evening before eventually passing out later that night, enjoying an extended time on a mattress.