
Section: Milepost 1953.6 to 1953.6

Total Trail Miles: 985.7

Distance: 0.00 Miles  

Moving Time: 00:00 hrs

Elevation Gain: 0 ft

Click here for current location

Today was another zero day - they are really adding up and i think July is not going to be our most successful month by far but it was really relaxing. We woke around 8 am and the Porters made us some delicious breakfast - eggs, sausage and coffee. It was amazing. Afterwards I took their two dogs, Ted and Libby, down to the lake and played fetch in the water for the better part of an hour. I took a swim as well before coming back to dry off at the campsite. We charged up our things in the cab of the truck and at 11:55 cracked a few brews while sitting around the site and talking. At around 2 pm I walked down to the resort to get some mustard and we played in the water again on my return. After, we made some bratwurst and had those with pasta salad and potato chips while we looked through the goodies Sandy and Ray brought down to supplement our hiking meals. In the evening we returned to the resort and had beers on the back deck while listening to live music and then came back for some wild Sockeye salmon and corn on the cob. I did my yoga and went for an evening swim before retiring to go to sleep. If today's entry sounds quipped it’s because Amanda told me I have 5 minutes to write this before she starts to get - and I quote here - “angry.”