
Section: Milepost 1980.3 to 1980.3

Total Trail Miles: 959.0

Distance: 0 Miles  

Moving Time: 00:00 hrs

Elevation Gain: 0 ft

Click here for current location

Today we woke up at 5:45 in the frost and Amanda promptly pulled a muscle in her back. Literally, nothing different about today, but she bent down to get something out of her backpack and couldn’t stand up again. She was done for the rest of the day. She stretched and rolled and I worked on the spot a bit and around 12 am we tried to walk and she had shooting pains down her back so we stopped. This is the part that sucks, we really don’t understand what would have caused it. We’ve been doing this for 2 months and a thousand miles but for some reason, this happened today. Maybe it is the new shoes she now has or maybe it was the lava rocks from yesterday but whatever it was we are stuck in the water until she feels better. 

We spent most of the day reading and sleeping, figuring we could catch-up on those activities. I finished the 3rd installment of the Wheel of Time series - not sure I’m super into it, Robert Jordan has a somewhat improvisational way of writing that is getting old, but I’m going to give it one more book. At 5 pm I set-up the tent again and went back up to Little Matthieu Lake for water and to redirect Amanda’s parents to a new weekend destination where we could meet them. My dad had noted that we hadn’t moved all day and had reached out to ask if we were ok. Thanks for checking dad! I told him we were fine and left it at that, didn’t want anyone to get worried. I filled the waters and came back. We had ramen this evening, both feeling unworthy of a full freeze dried meal and then headed to bed. Really hoping her back is better tomorrow. If not, we will go back to Bend to see a chiropractor.